A significant milestone was achieved at Unity College with the promotion of Teacher and ANO, Ms. Nilofer Jafri, of the 19 UP Girls' Battalion of the National Cadet Corps at the NCC Rank Promotion Ceremony. The Auspicious Event marked a moment of pride as Ms. Nilofer was elevated to the rank of Second Officer.

Ms. Nilofer was honoured for her exceptional performance, dynamic leadership and dedication to the core values of the battalion.Decorated with the coveted badge by Command Officer Col. Deepak Kumar and Administrative Officer Major Divya Sharma, Ms. Nilofer received well-deserved recognition. Col. Kumar expressed his heartfelt appreciation for her remarkable contributions to the battalion. He commended her outstanding leadership skills, resilience in the face of challenges, and exceptional decision-making abilities that have set a high standard for all battalion members.

Principal Mr. Francis Castelino proudly lauded Ms. Nilofer's achievement, emphasizing that the entire College community celebrates this commendable accomplishment. The College looks forward to witnessing her continued success and growth.

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