On 15thApril, 2022, Unity College organised Parents' Orientation for the Parents of Class X and XII just at the onset of the Board Examinations with an aim to make them aware of their significant role in the child’s academic journey and to get their support as well.
Addressing the parents, Principal Mr. Francis Castelino said that they should take up their wards’ responsibility with full conviction and commitment. Class X result is the first very important step in life that sets the future pursuit. Besides studies, he stressed on regularity, discipline, attendance in exams and timely submission of medical certificates and behavioural etiquettes at school, and keeping a check on project submission and exam schedule. He advised that the students should ask more and more questions. If they study well at School, they do not require any tuition.
Vice Principal Mr. Sachindra Bharti added some valuable pick up points. If a child follows a home time-table just like a school schedule, the parents may keep a check on his progress easily. He stressed that the children should be respectful to all elders, and there should be family time daily to engage children in quality talk.
Ms.Naheed Varma - Counsellor, ICS, shared that the APP ‘ICS Career GPS’ has been launched by ICS to bridge the information gap between students of Public and Government colleges. It is all free to download and scourge through different courses, eligibility and careers. Before deciding a career three things are important to gauge- Interest, Capability and Class performance. If a child is passionate about electronics gadgets and works on it also, but his Class Performance is poor, he cannot pursue Engineering.
Ms. Varma said that only PCM and PCB are not the best combinations, many top colleges are offering Humanities. NEP2020 has thrown open multidisciplinary subjects- a child may choose the combination of his choice, like History with Maths, Psychology with Biology, etc. Even he can pursue two degrees together- offline as well as online. She emphasised that the learners should be encouraged in Arts, Graphics and Animation. It is becoming the latest trend- IITs are offering Bachelor in Arts.
She also abreast the parents with the latest trends that B. Tech and Medicine are going to be affected most by Robotics and Artificial Intelligences, Jobs would become less. There would be an influx of career options in three fields- Human Touch, Management and Creativity. Lastly, she stressed that the subject or the career in which a child is interested has the best scope. They should follow hobbies and participate in co-curricular activities.
She shed light on the need of Career Counselling in Class VIII to gauge his inclination, in Class-X when he chooses subject combinations, and further in Class XII to navigate his career path through different Campus, Courses and Scholarships. She addressed the parents’ queries regarding their wards’ interests and activities.
The interactive session of counselling concluded with the vote of thanks by College Counsellor Ms. Nisar Fatima Rizvi. She said that the Parents’ support is necessary at every step. The College Faculty has adopted 8 to 10 students each to support, guide and counsel. The students should be motivated to ask more and more questions and clear their doubts.