“Every ending is a new beginning.”
-Marianne Williamson
The glorious morning of 27th May, 2022 marked the formal closing of school life for ISC students at their Farewell Party as well as the beginning of new ventures in life. The central hall echoed with greetings, blessings and complements as the 2022 batch entered, dressed in their finery. The Farewell Party was organised by class XI students with an enthusiastic endeavour to leave a trail of nostalgia behind for the outgoing seniors.

Addressing the students, Secretary Mr. Najmul Hasan Rizvi said that our collective blessings and good wishes will always be with you. He asked them to meet after the Exams for a talk on further studies and career options. He wished them to go ahead with the best of careers and shine as a true member of the Unity Family, and exhorted them to be connected with the College. 

College Principal Mr. Francis Castelino wished them best for their future endeavours. He advised them to never be afraid to do the right thing. If they are disciplined and sincere, they will surely do well.  

Dr.KalbeSibtainNoori, Manager- Unity College II Shift, recalled that College Founder President Late Dr. S Kalbe Sadiq staunchly practised- ‘No favouritism; no injustice’ that is still being followed. He acknowledged that the College graph is continuously going upward under the invaluable guidance and supervision of Secretary Mr. Rizvi and Principal Mr. Castelino. He blessed the students for success in this world and the hereafter.

The most awaited event commenced with the Divine invocation. It was followed by a lively string of mesmerising performances- all dedicated to the ISC students. A hilarious skit replicating the most liked Comedy Show of Kapil Sharma tickled laughter and amusement. Its epilogue of a mellifluous group song lent a perfect backdrop to the slide show of the living memories of School Days. Indeed, the day was a fiesta devoted to the years spent together with friends and teachers to reminisce joyous moments. Some exciting games were also arranged like musical chairs, throw the ball, etc. and were thoroughly enjoyed by all. The foot-tapping numbers of ‘Tera Mera Yaraana’ gripped all to join the emotional rhythm.

The ball was set to roll with the coveted titles adorning the deserving students. The titles of Mr. Farewell and Miss Farewell adorned Hasan Kazmi and Sidra Arif, while Mr. Unity and Miss Unity crowned Shavez Jafar and Tahniyat Fatima. The tags of  Mr. Popular and Miss Popular were won by Ghazi Husain and Zufiya Fatima while Mr. Ambitious and Miss Ambitious, by Syed Hasan Haider and Attruba Fatima, respectively. Then amidst cheers and applause, all the guest students were felicitated with souvenirs as a token of love and endearing memories. 

In conclusion, the Vice Principal Mr. Sachindra Bharti in his speech wished good luck to the outgoing students for their future and appreciated the remarkable efforts of class XI as well as the active guidance of Counsellor Ms. Nisar Fatima.

The cherishable party culminated on the parting note by Qaim Mehdi of class XII:“Anjaan Si Raaho Par, Tanhan Nikal Chalaa Hoon.” 

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